MEXC Global
Descripción general$ 2,036,843,709
Volumen de intercambio en 24h
Ƀ 122,313
Volumen de intercambio en 24h (BTC)
Established in April 2018, MEXC Global is one of the world’s leading digital-asset trading platforms. The core team comes from world-class enterprises and financial companies with rich experience in blockchain and financial industries.
Año de Salida | 2018 |
Sitio Web | mexc.com |
Rank | 10 |
País | |
Tiene incentivos? | No |
Centralizado? | Si |
Coin | Par | Volumen | Volumen (BTC) | Volumen (USD) | Volumen % |
Bitcoin | BTC/USDT | 29,275 | Ƀ 29,280 | $ 479,606,903 | 23.55% |
Ethereum | ETH/USDT | 228,636 | Ƀ 16,121 | $ 264,061,466 | 12.96% |
Binancecoin | BNB/USDT | 406,749 | Ƀ 7,316 | $ 119,830,787 | 5.88% |
Bitcoin | BTC/USDC | 6,948 | Ƀ 6,952 | $ 113,876,297 | 5.59% |
Ethereum | ETH/USDC | 79,372 | Ƀ 5,594 | $ 91,665,405 | 4.50% |
Bitcoin | BTC/BUSD | 2,341 | Ƀ 2,341 | $ 38,346,450 | 1.88% |
Ethereum | ETH/BUSD | 25,659 | Ƀ 1,808 | $ 29,622,011 | 1.45% |
Bitcoin Cash | BCH/USDT | 214,882 | Ƀ 1,507 | $ 24,683,805 | 1.21% |
Bitcoin Cash | BCH/BTC | 197,704 | Ƀ 1,387 | $ 22,710,562 | 1.11% |
Litecoin | LTC/BTC | 275,890 | Ƀ 1,302 | $ 21,320,726 | 1.05% |